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Why the need for privacy policies?
The Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM) wants to inform our registered users about privacy rules and individual data processing. This data is collected and processed in strict accordance and compliance with the Law for Protection of Personal Data (“Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais”).

Please read these Privacy Policies attentively as, by using the Intranet, the eventual availability of personal data implies the knowledge and acceptance of the conditions listed here. Thus, by providing your personal data, you consent to the collection and processing of data according to the rules defined here.

By providing links to other websites unrelated to the IMM does not imply any assumption of responsibility for these websites and therefore this Privacy Policy does not apply to such cases. So we advise you to read the privacy policies of those websites.
What is personal data?
When we refer to personal information we refer, in legal terms, to any information whatsoever, and regardless of their support media, including audio and video, on an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable individual is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
Who is responsible for data processing?
The entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal data on the Intranet is the IMM. The IMM decides what data is collected, the means for processing the data and for what purposes data is used.
What personal information does IMM collect?
The IMM colllects and processes personal data of registered users, as necessary to accomplish its mission and its activities. Specifically, IMM collects data such as name, address, telephone number or electronic mail address of the user .
How long do we keep your personal data?
The data will be stored and preserved only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and processed, after which the same will be removed.
What are the measures taken by IMM to ensure the safety of your personal data?
The IMM is committed to ensuring the protection and the security of personal data made available to us. Therefore the IMM adopted and implemented strict rules in this area. The IMM undertook several measures of security, technical and organizational nature in order to protect personal data provided to us against their spread, loss, use misuse, alteration, unauthorized processing or access, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.